Titles Available for Purchase

  • WolverippedX Deluxe Edition

    3 videos  |   Buy $99.95

    The Deluxe Edition of WolverippedX includes 3 Ripping Upper Body routines that gets you even more defined and as jacked as Wolverine.

  • WolverippedX

    20 videos  |   Rent $99.95   |   Buy $997.99

    WolverippedX is an all new Wolverine Based Workout Program meant to get you super ripped in just 90 days. It's extremely intense and meant for those who are looking for a challenge. This is a program no one has ever experienced before, with never before seen exercises, completely new methods of t...

  • Elite Spider X

    17 videos  |   Rent $9.99   |   Buy $199.95

    Elite Spider X is purchasable for a one time payment of $199.95! You will have lifetime access to the workouts as well as the fitness guide, nutrition guide, and workout calendars.